If you are not new to cypto just click this link to go to PancakeSwap The pairs are already entered for you. Trade as much as you want.

If you are new to Cypto we highly recommended that you buy Bitcoin, Ethereum or USDC. The Ubiquitous Originality token is not recommended for those that are just starting out in crypto. However if you still wish to dive in, please follow these steps, starting with Step 1: Purchase BNB on Binance, Crypto.com or another exchange.

Step 2: Send BNB to MetaMask Wallet. If you don’t have Metamask, you can install it from the appStore or as browser extension. Then send your BNB from your exchange of choice to your MetaMask Wallet.

Step 3: Go to PancakeSwap

Step 4: Connect your MetaMask to PancakeSwap and Swap $BNB For $UOT on PancakeSwap
*If it is not already entered please paste our contract address into the token field to before you swap.*

Always confirm the official contract address:
DISCLOSURE By purchasing Ubiquitous Originality Token, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment contract and you agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. Although UOT is a community driven DeFi Ecosystem and not a registered digital currency, always make sure that you are in compliance with local laws and regulations before you make any purchase. Cryptocurrencies are not legal tender and are not investments.